
Monday, October 26, 2009

Memes From the Field, Pt I: Robsten Lovers

So after we tagged a few folks with our meme last week, we realized that not everyone is as...blatantly gauche as we are here at Twitarded. Hard to believe, I know, but we take it for granted that we can talk about...well, just about anything! Because we didn't want to offend anyone outside of Twitardia [read: kids don't hang out here but they do elsewhere in the Twidom] and you guys are all pretty much unoffendable, we offered to post a couple of our tags here!

First up are the loverly ladies at Robsten Lovers/Rob & kriSTEN lovers! Take it away, Robsten--

Hey girlies!

There are three of us admins - here are all of our answers!


1) What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)?
Wow. I have to narrow this down to one thing huh? How about when I got bumped into at my wedding reception and I fell straight on my back? Or when I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my cheerleading uniform right before a game and had to cheer with a huge stain on the front? Or the time my high school boyfriend spent the night (you know, after he snuck through the window) and I farted in my sleep so loud that it woke me up?

Just to name a few.

2) One my personal favorite games: Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Twilight cast.
Fuck- This is really tough cause Edward is a hot mofo. But I'm not really into banging anyone prettier than me. I think I'd enjoy a good hump with Jasper cause he'd make feel all warm and fuzzy while we're getting it on. That might sounds pleasant doesn't it?

3) What is your favorite band/type of music?
I like ANY type of music. Even get a huge kick out of obscene rap music. It cracks me up. I have to keep it g rated though when my kids are in the car. Which is like 98% of the time.

4) What is your favorite movie besides Twilight?
You guys picked like the hardest effin' questions. I honestly could not pick just one. I prefer comedies. I almost peed my pants watching The Hangover (the 2nd movie I saw in theaters in the last 12 months. Twilight was the other one, natch).

5) Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger? a certain degree. I think K is the only one who knows just how bad it is. And it's bad. I camped out overnight at comic-con with my then 8 month old daughter. That's all kinds of addicted.

6) How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? You know, blogging, looking at pictures of the cast, reading fan fiction, etc.
Ummm, a lot. In fact, since you asked, I'm probably going to log the time I spend doing it this week. I'll get back to you.

7) Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter.
Most people know from the blog that I have 5 kids but most don't know I'm only 26. Only being 3 years older than RPatts makes me feel slightly better about being a Twitard.


1) What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)?

Seriously, I don't know how to answer this! You see, I am very outgoing and have said some pretty off the wall stuff! (Some being quite stupid actually!) It's just part of my charm! LOL! Here's one for example, ever get the hiccups? Was bartending one night when the local cop came in to "check things out". Well, to make things short and sweet, he had the hiccups. I proceeded to ask him when the last time he had sex was. (The look he gave me was priceless) It was meant to shock him into forgetting about his hiccups, but instead he though I was offering! (Not good! My hubs nearly fell off his chair laughing as he realized what I was missing.) Literally had to explain the reason for my asking in detail so he understood. After which he thought it was a rather clever way to cure the hiccups!

2) One my personal favorite games: Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Twilight cast.
Eff: Hello! I know I am the only one out there, (**wink, wink**) but can you say EDWARD!!!! (LOL, Anyone else ever think about all the fun things you could teach a younger man! LMAO! **Did I actually say that out loud...**Thinking, thinking** Yep I did and I don't regret it! Naughty -M-)
Marry: Er, let me think, EDWARD!
Kill: Well, just gotta say it, I'm a lover not a fighter! Not a one of those boys or gals I'd hurt! LOL

3) What is your favorite band/type of music?
I'm kinda equal opportunity in this department. I don't really have a "fav" type in general. As long as it has a catchy beat and doesn't give me a freakin headache I'm all for it!

4) What is your favorite movie besides Twilight?
Gladiator!!!! (Can you say H-O-T!)

5) Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger?
Hell ya! My Mom is the one who got me hooked! My hubby quickly realized he better support my OCD or else our separation papers might read "does not sparkle" for the reason I was leaving him! (Isn't he funny! Came up with it all on his own! I was impressed!) He even takes the time to read our blog now to make sure he's up to date on all the Twi-News! My kids joke around that Edward is by BF and that makes me a cougar! (All I can say is, G-r-r-r-r baby!) Overall I am very blessed that my family supports my blogging and my Twi-addiction!

6) How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? You know, blogging, looking at pictures of the cast, reading fan fiction, etc.
OK Twi-hards, please keep in mind I am one of the administrators of ROB & kriSTEN Lovers when I answer this! I probably spend at least 60 hours a week doing blog related things. I don't work out of the home so our blog is my full time job so to speak! (**And I love every minute of it!**) My kids even get a kick out of helping me pick out You Tube Videos and cast pics. It's like a game to see who can find the best stuff.

7) Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter.

Yeah, I just wanna say that being a Twi fan means something different for all of us. It doesn't matter how or why you connected with the Saga. Regardless of what is said, know that we all have the right to support the cast in our own way, and as long as we remain respectful and safe we're doing nothing wrong!



1) What is the craziest/most stupid thing you've ever done (that you would be willing to share!)?
Crazy…hmmm don’t want to go there. Stupid? Sure. Plenty of those. I admit the amount of time, energy and effort that’s gone into my Twi-session is a bit stupid when there are infact many areas of my life that need some immediate attention. Personal grooming maintenance, for example. As of late I only blow out, push up, pluck, dye, flat iron or stiletto if Twilight is somehow involved. And believe me hubs has noticed. If it weren’t for him reaping the bennies of the hot fanfic then I’d be in hot water.

How about a stupid moment for pre teen K? (highschool stupidity was spent in the nightclubs of Tijuana…I grew up in San Diego with a few HS cheerleading stupid moments mixed in. An example? we coined the term COD 93 (cheer or die… yowsa), and college was quite simply a blur of stupidity mostly involving the rubgy team):

The start of K as stalker girl:

Eighth grade- family vacay to Boston gone wild when I insisted we camp outside Donnie Wahlberg’s house (do I even need to say NKOTB…if you are reading this you are a stalker fan girl type…you are my peeps) and then further insisting that we follow him in a paparazzi, before there were paparazzi, style chase to the airport, hopping into his limo to ask for auto only to get shut down by Donno’s security in a very not friendly to stalker fan girls way. Oh and my toe got broken in the shuffle…not pretty. Very stupid.

2) One my personal favorite games: Fuck, Marry, Kill. With the Twilight cast.

Okay a lot of Robstenites are young (but surprisingly many are also… not so young) so I gotta keep it clean. Eff Edward…who wouldn’t? hard to be creative here. Kill Jacob…he just bores me and without him it would just be a lot of Edward and Bella-icity…ahhh…Marry Dr. Cullen. I’m cool with being parental to Edward after I eff him. Is that weird?

3) What is your favorite band/type of music?

It’s safe to say I don’t get music…I always defer to E’s musical talents to tell me who is who. If a bubble gum pop song has been over played to the max, that’s when I catch on and like it…point being…I love me some Britney. I also love 80s and currently I have ditched my Robward obsessions since seeing Sam Bradley live. Go see that guy while you can. AMAZE. Rob Who? Right now my song of the week is, “Shut up and let me go” by the Ting tings…I’ve been saying it to everyone.

4) What is your favorite movie besides Twilight?

Movie Besides Twilight? Oy. Well since everything comes back to Twilight, I’m going with The Family Stone (Elizabeth Reaser is in it)…it’s about crazy family dynamics and it is my life. You need to see it if you haven’t. trust.

5) Do you RL life family/friends know you’re addicted to Twilight? A blogger?

My family knows and a few friends know about my bloggin’ but I have seriously gone awall since the blog started (I mean our blog is called Robsten Lovers, would you discuss it at soccer games or PTA meetings?). I try to blame my unruly toddler for demanding of my time, but the time on the computer is really starting to become an issue.

6) How many hours a week do you spend doing Twi related things? I cannot disclose the amount of time spent on Twilight but does this question include travel time cuz I’ve traipsed my arse from San Diego to Vancouver “covering events” for my non paying job. Can you imagine if we banned together to solve world peace instead of Edward lovin? Frick. Twilight Bloggers could run the UN. We are some serious bi-otchs.

7) Any random fact you might want to share. Big or small, it doesn't matter.
Random Fact: I always say that Twitared is our inner blog…if I wasn’t afraid of conforming to twi-ciety, I’d be twitarding all over the place…and believe me behind closed doors, I do. I guess I’m hanging on to the fantasy that some day the big wigs will read our blog and recognize our devotion to the Saga and insist that we meet the cast over cocktails. Yes. I said Fantasy.


Thanks for playing, ladies!!! Any time you feel the need to get down & dirty, you know where to find an outlet... : )


  1. FAMILY STONE!!!! That's where I've seen her before!!! You have saved my have no idea...

    Donny Wahlberg stalking...ahhh...the good ol' NKOTB days!!!

    I loved this was awesome.

    Camping with an 8 month that's dedication...LOL!!!

  2. @Mrs. P Elizabeth was also on Grey's Anatomy for several episodes if you ever watch that.

    I was just reading some of these answers to my hubby and he said "that had to be you that wrote that". If feels so good to know i am not alone in my craziness. He really thinks I am insane.

  3. @E - I feel your pain with the loud farts - at that age, I was mortified when my stomach growled too loud - a fart might have sent me over the edge! and i spill stuff on everything. but i did remain upright at my wedding reception - as far as I recall... : ) Oh and I used to have a cassette (yeah i'm old) that I just called my "Rude Rap" mix. A definite fave!

    @K - I've never asked a cop when the last time he has sex was, but I do tend to say...awkward things. frequently. i spend the latter part of almost any night spent in the company of others assessing the things i said that may have been inappropriate in hindsight - lol! And I love Gladiator, too! oh - and I have to say - 60 HOURS A WEEK?! i am afraid to add my own time up but wow i think you win! I'd always wondered who you guys posted like the energizer bunnies and now i know! i need a bloggy sugar daddy or something so that i can quit my job and just write!

    @K - You broke your toe while stalking Donnie Wahlberg?! - that's hysterical! Er, or NOW it's funny but having broken a toe against a doorjamb a few years back, I know it must NOT have been funny AT ALL at the time! And no it's not weird that you could be all cool with Edward after the Carlisle nuptials. : ) Oh and I will have to check out Sam Bradley - have to admit that I haven't done much with the RPatts buds, although I hear good things!

    Thanks for participating - hope you had fun with it - I know we did!

  4. Thanks for posting some replies. Insight into various Twitards!1 LOL

    I feel for the horizontal bride is so something that would happen to me. Thankfully at 6 ft, I might not fall. I would just lurch, like Quasimodo, and someone would catch it on video.

    Sponges, huh. That kind of creeps me out, I saw a documentary on bacteria in sponges and it was really gross LOL!! I cant get those images out of my mind long enough to take a whiff.

  5. I am actually a Blockhead. I may have chased Donnie through Wichita this past Spring. With my husband in the car. And I may have executed a ninja-like tuck & roll out of the car to run after Mr. Wahlberg to get a picture. And I am not even a Donnie Girl. Sometimes I scare myself.

    And totes X 100000 about Sam Bradley. I am loving me some Sam - hard. I am even trying to leave a work conference in San Siego 3 days early to fly back to see him live.

    Word verification: kiese What I'd like to do to Sam

  6. um...K going to Sam's san diego show...if we met up it's be all sorts of stalkerlicious. keep me posted!


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